Texas health and safety code adderall

Texas health and safety code adderall
Texas health and safety code adderall
Penal Code HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE :: 2009 Texas Code.
Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
title 1. general provisions; title 2. health; title 3. vital statistics; title 4. health facilities; title 5. sanitation and environmental quality; title 6. Health and Safety Code 11378 Texas Constitution and Statutes - Home
FindLaw provides Texas Statutes - HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE for Lawyers, Law Students, etc.
§ 481.121. OFFENSE: POSSESSION OF MARIHUANA. (MARIJUANA) (a) Except as authorized by this chapter, a person commits an offense if the person know
The statutes available on this website are current through the 1st Called Session of the 82nd Legislature, July 2011. The Texas Constitution is current through the
California Code of Regulations
Possession of Marijuana - Texas Health.