What does clock above text mean on droid

Cyber Security of Industrial Control.
What does clock above text mean on droid
What Does Organic Really Mean, and Is It.
What is root or being rooted mean?.
What does the green dot mean next to a text msg on sprint eric. All of a suddon yesterday next to only one person that i text msg there is a green dot what is it and
Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems – What Does It Mean to National Security? Science Seminar
What does clock above text mean on droid
What does the green dot mean next to a.
I've seen posts on how, but don't understand what rooting is. Been anxiously awaiting the first VZW android phones, so am now trying to quickly
What does the orange clock thing next to someones name in my messages mean? I have an android phone. when you click messages if shows you all the poeple you have had
The epc warning light is on my seat. what is rooting? - Android Forums
What is root or being rooted mean? Click the " Show " button below for a root warning / disclaimer: Quick note / disclaimer: as always, you
Dear Lifehacker, I know some people who swear by organic food. They say it has all kinds of benefits, and I should start buying it too. What does it really mean to be
UK Car question:the epc warning light is on my seat ibiza, what does this mean, and will it do any harm if i carry on driving it.
Health question:I have no lunula on my nails, what does that mean?

What does n orange clock symbol on a text.